I write this topic as a special tribute to two of my good friends, Kolonel Haji Mohamed Nazri bin Dashah TUDM and Lt Kol Hj Muhammad Shafiq bin Hj Jahudi TUDM.
Frankly, I do not have many good friends. Since I was in my primary school and secondary school, my firendship network was very limited. In my secondary school, I have only 3-4 close friends (they were Mohd Khir Salikin (Nuk), Abd Wahid Abd Aziz and Norjai Amin). When I was in seciondary school my good friends were Abdul Halim Sulaiman and Jamaludin Tamjis. Outside from school time, basically I did not have close friends. I treated all my friends equally.
When I was in UTM (1977/78/79) - the life and environment of architecture students made us very close - we went to the class together, doing our course project together, eating MAGGI mee together (sometime sharing), sleeping also together, your pillow was my pillow. Why, becuase the sleeping time were limited, the ratio of pillows was always lower than the person, especially in our rental house. 8-10 persons staying in 2 room house at Bukit Keramat. Norzam, Shukor, Badrul Hisham, Badrul Khair (aruah), Khalis, Amat Amir, Rahim Ahmad, Zulkifli Sudin (aruah), Ibrahim Hamdan, Kamisan, Bernadib etc. But after 3-4 yeras split, our relationship getting farther and farther. After 30-40 years, then our relationship coming back for reunionship. For those who are playing golf, they have an advantage to get together more.
In fact, when I joined the Cadet School in 1980, my close friends were those sleeping near to my bed (capoi) or in the same barrack - Nazli Alias, Mazhar Palil and Sanusi Samion - anyway not so close - may be because our time was so limited for socialisation. Nine months with full of active programs was too short for us. We did not much time to chat about our back ground, kampong or family. Moreover talking about girl friends. When we passed out from OCS, our relationship almost ZERO, especially with the Army friends. Most of them I totally forgot their name and faces. Within the Air Force, is not so bad because we are a small group. But slowly, one by one were leaving the service and lost contact.
Throughout my 30+ years service I have only two good friends, both are Admin Officers, Muhammad Shafiq bin Hj Jahudi and Mohamed Nazri bin Hj Dashah. The first time I met both of them were in RMAF Kuching Base, my first base I served in my service (Oct 1981). If you do not believe me, go and ask all RMAF officers (those who are about same age with me) - none of them will mention my name as their good/close friend (far from BEST friend)- including Nazri and Shafiq. hahaha. aku je yang terperasan.
Both is my senior, Lt M (U) Shafiq (Intake 36) was the Base Adjutant and Lt M Nazri (intake 35) was the OC HANDAU. Both were small size. Both were waiting for the BUGI (junior officers reporting to new base). But Nazri (his nickname - Nana) was a bit serious and aggressive - he liked to punch your stomach - may be due to his 'commando' back ground. Shafiq was more friendly and low profile. Another reason why Shafiq was faster to get closer to me because he was from same 'kapal' with me.
I hope both of them (Nazri and Shafiq) would not oppose or dislike this write up.
loving couple, Shafiq and Rabiah.
Shafiq, same as myself, most of the time he served in Klang Valley. Once we lived in the same OMQ block at Desa Wangsa Keramat in 2007-2009. Happened that his wife Rabiah is a good friend to my wife Adibah. Shafiq is a year younger than me. He was born on 2nd Jan 1960.
In 2003,Shafiq was announced as Tokoh Wira Maal Hijrah ATM.
Nazri, he was born on 19th Jan 1959, same year as mine. Nazri posted out from Kuching earlier than me. I bought his motorcycle (Suzuki Cup) - No. KH 4750.
He was together with me attending Squadron Officer Course (SOC) 22/1990 in ITU Kinrara. He married to Hajjah Sharima Abd Malek and blessed with 5 children. But Allah loved her much more. She passed away in 2010 due to heart attack (if i am not wrong). She was also a friend of my wife. How ever, due to house location, they were seldom to meet. Semoga Allah mencucuri Rahmat ke atas ruh almarhumah.

Nazri and almarhumah Sharima

single father - Nazri trying hard to grow his children alone.... kesian dia. dah la kurus, nak bela anak sorang-sorang, makin cengkung dia.
I would say that, in Admin Branch, Nazri has a potential to get his star within 5 years. This is my prediction- based on various criterion. taking into consideration of his seniority and merit. If we look at the seniority list of Admin senior officers, now (Jan 2012) is led by Mej Jen Dato Hj Mohd Noh TUDM (will retire in 2014), followed by Brig Jen Datuk Hj Zaharin TUDM (will retire in 2016), Brig Jen Dato' Hj Zulkafli TUDM (will retire in 2015). There are four Kolonels in Admin Branch now. Kol Ahmad Tarmizi (7/2008) is the most senior will retire in 2017, next is Nazri (11/2009) will retire in 2019, followed by Kol Ahmad TUDM (2010) will retire in 2021 and Kol Ismail TUDM (3/2011) will retire 2017.

two pictures above can translate my statement - about my prediction for Nazri's future
Allah Maha Mengetahui keperluan zahir dan batin hambanya. Pada penghujung tahun 2011 Nazri bertemu jodoh dengan Norlaily Shima binti Mior Ramli dari Ipoh. Jodoh dengan orang satu negeri juga.
Signifikan kepada perkahwinan ini ialah kedua-duanya (pasangan) adalah sahabat baikku. Aku mengenali Shima sejak tahun 2008 ketika dia mengikut adiknya Siti Rahmah menguruskan pelaburan aku dengan CIMB. Setahun kemudiannya, Siti Rahmah mengundurkan diri dari pengurusan perniagaan 'trust' dengan CIMB dan menyerahkan pelanggan di bawah kawalannya kepada kakanya Norlaily Shima.
Apabila pelaburan menampakkan keuntungan, aku memperkenalkan kepada beberapa orang sahabatku untuk meluaskan perniagaannya, termasuklah Nazri. Setelah lebih setahun mengenali Shima, dan mengetahui banyak berkaitan dengan latar belakang keluarga, kebetulan Shima telah menjadi 'single mum' aku berhasrat untuk merekomenkan dia untuk sahabat aku Nazri ini.
Kebetulan juga, isteriku juga kenal baik dengan Shima kerana mereka pernah berjumpa dan bersembang di rumah aku semasa Shima datang ke rumah untuk menguruskan dokumen 'wasiat' as Salihin.
Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Kaya, Shima memberitahuku bahawa dia 'berkenan' dengan Nazri yang kebetulan telah menjadi 'single pa'. Maka bertambah mudahlah urusanku. Keadaan bertambah selesa dan mudah (dipermudahkan Allah) kerana sebelum sempat aku menyuarakan 'rasa hati' Shima kepada Nazri, Shima ada memberitahu aku bahawa Nazri telah mula menyuarakan 'hasrat hati' atau 'keinginan' untuk menjadikan Shima sebagai teman hidup.
Pastinya Shima, yang masih mengalami 'trauma' dari perpisahan sebelum ini memerlukan masa dan meningkatkan kepercayaan kepada insan bernama lelaki. Dan aku menjadi pakar rujuknya. Aku telah mengenali Nazri sejak tahun 1981 (di Kuching)- sama-sama membesar dalam TUDM - hanya berlainan tugas. Aku kenal siapa Nazri- hati budi Nazri - sikap dan sifat Nazri. Bila Shima ingin tahu lebih tentang Nazri. Aku tidak perlu bercerita panjang tentang siapa Nazri, aku hanya memberikan satu conclusion sahaja kepada Shima.
"Shima, you have known me about 2 years. If you think that I'm a nice person, Nazri is 10 time better than me".
Nasihat tambahan aku, "Shima, this is not for one week, or one month or one year of your life decision, you ambik la sebulan dua lagi- get to know further about him - to confirm my statement, then you can make a decision".
In the same time, I also told Nazri that if Shima is his choice to be his queen in his home, he did choose the most right woman.
Everything went well. Shima managed to win the heart of all five children of Nazri and Nazri was well accepted by all the three of Shima children. Both of them finalised their decision. Mereka dinikahkan di Ipoh pada 20 Nov 2011. Sehari selepas majlis akad nikah anak perempuanku pada 19 Nov 2011. Syukur kepada Allah subhanahu wataala. Semoga mereka berdua kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.
Majlis di pihak lelaki di adakan di Dewan Makan Markas Rejimen TUDM Bukit Jugra pada 3 Dis 2011. Aku dan isteri ke Jugra untuk meraikan majlis kenduri perkahwinan sahabat baik ku ini.
Apabila pelaburan menampakkan keuntungan, aku memperkenalkan kepada beberapa orang sahabatku untuk meluaskan perniagaannya, termasuklah Nazri. Setelah lebih setahun mengenali Shima, dan mengetahui banyak berkaitan dengan latar belakang keluarga, kebetulan Shima telah menjadi 'single mum' aku berhasrat untuk merekomenkan dia untuk sahabat aku Nazri ini.
Kebetulan juga, isteriku juga kenal baik dengan Shima kerana mereka pernah berjumpa dan bersembang di rumah aku semasa Shima datang ke rumah untuk menguruskan dokumen 'wasiat' as Salihin.
Allah Tuhan Yang Maha Kaya, Shima memberitahuku bahawa dia 'berkenan' dengan Nazri yang kebetulan telah menjadi 'single pa'. Maka bertambah mudahlah urusanku. Keadaan bertambah selesa dan mudah (dipermudahkan Allah) kerana sebelum sempat aku menyuarakan 'rasa hati' Shima kepada Nazri, Shima ada memberitahu aku bahawa Nazri telah mula menyuarakan 'hasrat hati' atau 'keinginan' untuk menjadikan Shima sebagai teman hidup.
Pastinya Shima, yang masih mengalami 'trauma' dari perpisahan sebelum ini memerlukan masa dan meningkatkan kepercayaan kepada insan bernama lelaki. Dan aku menjadi pakar rujuknya. Aku telah mengenali Nazri sejak tahun 1981 (di Kuching)- sama-sama membesar dalam TUDM - hanya berlainan tugas. Aku kenal siapa Nazri- hati budi Nazri - sikap dan sifat Nazri. Bila Shima ingin tahu lebih tentang Nazri. Aku tidak perlu bercerita panjang tentang siapa Nazri, aku hanya memberikan satu conclusion sahaja kepada Shima.
"Shima, you have known me about 2 years. If you think that I'm a nice person, Nazri is 10 time better than me".
Nasihat tambahan aku, "Shima, this is not for one week, or one month or one year of your life decision, you ambik la sebulan dua lagi- get to know further about him - to confirm my statement, then you can make a decision".
In the same time, I also told Nazri that if Shima is his choice to be his queen in his home, he did choose the most right woman.
Everything went well. Shima managed to win the heart of all five children of Nazri and Nazri was well accepted by all the three of Shima children. Both of them finalised their decision. Mereka dinikahkan di Ipoh pada 20 Nov 2011. Sehari selepas majlis akad nikah anak perempuanku pada 19 Nov 2011. Syukur kepada Allah subhanahu wataala. Semoga mereka berdua kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.
Majlis di pihak lelaki di adakan di Dewan Makan Markas Rejimen TUDM Bukit Jugra pada 3 Dis 2011. Aku dan isteri ke Jugra untuk meraikan majlis kenduri perkahwinan sahabat baik ku ini.