Monday, December 31, 2012




Tulisan ini adalah sambungan TAJUK 58 (DESA TUNKU OSMAN JEWA) dan TAJUK 197 (SURAU LUQMAN HAKIM KPTOJ).


Kewujudan Surau Luqman al Hakim adalah seusia dengan kewujudan Kompleks Perumahan Tunku Osman Jewa.  Mengambil sempena nama seorang Nabi Allah (bukan Rasul Allah) yang juga seorang ilmuan yang namanya merupakan salah satu Surah dalam Al Qur'an (Surah Luqman atau Surah ke 32). 

Sejak penubhannya di awal tahun 2009, Surau Luqman al Hakim semakin aktif (walaupun kadangkala gerafnya menurun akibat masalah ketiadaan Ustaz yang menyampaikan tazkirah atau kelas taamir.  Tiap-tiap bulan sememangnya pihak surau akan menjemput penceramah luar bagi menyampaikan ceramah berkaitan dengan isu semasa ataupun peristiwa-peristiwa dalam kalendar islam.

Surau juga mengadakan majlis-majlis seperti Sambutan Hari Raya, Maulidur Rasul dan sebagainya.  Malahan sejak kebelakangan ini surau ini telah menjadi pilihan untuk majlis-majlis pertunangan dan pernikahan ahli keluarga penduduk KPTOJ.  Malah Pengerusi Surau sendiri telah memulakan tradisi mengadakan majlis kenduri perkahwinan anak lelakinya di halaman/anjung surau pada 4 November 2012.  Kebetulan anak Dato Dr Mohd Zin (Dr Zul Helmi) berkahwin dengan anak perempuan Lt Kol Hj Yusof Ibrahim yang juga AJK/Bilal surau.

Aktiviti terbesar Surau Luqman al Hakim yang menutup tirai tahun 2012 ialah Mini Karnival Usahawan Islam yang dianjurkan pada 22 dan 23 DIS 2012.  Objektif penganjuran Mini Karnival ini ialah:

  • Kaedah berdakwah untuk mengajak penghuni Rumah keluarga ATM di KPTOJ (khususnya) untuk mendekati surau seterusnya memakmurkan surau.
  • Menggalakkan sifat keusahawanan di kalangan penghuni KPTOJ.
  • Mendekatkan penjual kepada pembeli.
  • Mempromosikan aktiviti/program surau kepada penduduk tempatan.

Aku yang mula-mula mencadangkan aktiviti dalam salah satu mesyuarat bulanan surau dan diterima oleh AJK.  Persiapan untuk menganjurkan aktiviti ini telah dibuat awal, iaitu lebih 2 bulan dari tarkh pelaksanaan.  Perkara-perkara seperti peserta (penyewa gerai), peralatan (khemah, kerusi, meja, peralatan siaraya, elektrik) telah dibincangkan dengan teliti dan membuat perlantikan jawatankuasa.

TABIK kepada Lt Kol Khairudin bin Abd Manap yang telah mempamirkan perkhidmatan yang amat dedikasi dan cemerlang untuk mempastikan program berjalan lancar.  Beliau SAYA lihat sebagai individu paling aktif dan berkerja keras siang dan malam.  Memang sukar untuk menemui orang seperti beliau.


Segala sumber bantuan diperolehi.  Dari Kem TDM, TLDM dan TUDM melalui network yang ada di kalangan AJK Surau.  Derma dan sponsorship juga diterima dari pelbagai pihak.

Pelbagai program telah dianjurkan seperti:

  • Program Usahawan.  Sebanyak lebih 40 ruang gerai telah dapat dijual dengan kos RM300 untuk korporat dan RM100 untuk individu.  Permintaan paling tinggi ialah pakaian dan aksesori hiasan wanita, diikuti oleh barangan makanan produk islam, gerai makanan, bahan kosmetik halal dan lain-lain.
  • Jualan Garaj. Idea asal adalah untuk ini sahaja namun telah diperluaskan.  Hasil jualan dimasukkan dalam tabung surau. 
  • Ceramah Agama. Sepanjang tempoh Karnival, dua malam berturut-turut pihak surau telah menjemput penceramah luar:
    • 22hb - Ustaz Hj Dzulkifli Ahmad
    • 23hb - Ustaz SP Hj Ghazali bin Hj Daud.
  • Pertandingan: Beberapa kategori pertandingan peringkat kanak-kanak bawah umur 15 tahun telah dianjurkan:
    • Hafazan Ayat-ayat Lazim
    • Bilal Muda (Azan)
    • Mewarna lukisan
  • Pameran: pihak surau juga telah menjemput beberapa agensi yang bersangkutan dengan islam untuk membuka meja pamiran seperti:
    • KDN
    • Pusat Pungutan Zakat
    • Yayasan RESTU


Inilah yang amat menyedihkan untuk diceritakan.  Walaupun promosi telah diwar-warkan semaksima yang mungkin melalui pelbagai kaedah seperti RTM, Radio IKIM, poster, facebook, blog, pengumuman di masjid-masjid sekitar dan telah dilakukan lebih sebulan sebelum tarikh Karnival namun hasilnya masih ditahap amat tidak memuaskan.

Kehadiran pada hari pertama amat-amat menyedihkan.  Gerai-gerai lengang.  Hari kedua ada sedikit pertambahan tetapi masih di bawah expectation. Sambutan dari penduduk yang tinggal disekeliling surau sendiri di luar dugaan (negatif). Rasanya tidak sampai 20% warga KPTOJ yang turun melawat.  Hari kedua sudah ada peniaga yang 'give-up' dan menutup kedai. Di mana silapnya?
22hb jam 0900- masih membuat persiapan.  Satu demi satu gerai dihuni dan diisi oleh peniaga.

AJK menjamu selera dengan durian 
gera-gerai semakin penuh diisi
Kumpulan Nasyid dari Maahad Tahfiz

Majlis Perasmian pada Jam 1100 oleh Y.Bhg Penanung Surau Luqman al hakim, Lt Gen Dato Hj Raja Mohamad Affandi bin Raja Mohd Noor.


penyampaian derma kepada anak yatim
cenderamata kepada kumpulan Nasyid
Y.Bhg Penanung membuat lawatan ke gerai-gerai
gerai Surau yang menjual barang-barang terpakai

KENAPA tiada sambutan? Kenapa penduduk setempat enggan dan berat hati untuk turun mengunjungi dan memberi sokongan kepada program anjuran surau. Lebih 95% penduduk KPTOJ adalah orang Islam.  Antara 'assumption' yang diberikan adalah:

  1. Cuaca- hujan lebat pada tengahari 22hb sampai ke petang.
  2. Ramai yang bercuti panjang dan balik kampung. Kebetulan 25hb adalah Hari Krismas, mungkin orang cuti panjang dari 22hb sampai 25hb.
  3. Tak tau. Tak munasabah. Poster dah lama digantung di semua pintu masuk Kem dan suara DJ di surau pun boleh dengan jauh juga.  Lagi pun kalau duduk flat, jenguk tingkap pun boleh nampak.
  4. Tiada acara hiburan.  Hiburan adalah penarik generasi muda. Kalau ada acara hiburan, nanti modal nak bayar artis (tak kan seorang) pun 10x ganda hasil jualan gerai.  La ni, kumpulan nasyid pun mahal.
  5. Brand yang dijual tak ada class?.  Ye la, setaraf dengan jualan di pasar malam je. Pulak tu ada 'garage sale'- second hand? apa ka barang?. Mungkin pegawai rasa tak standard nak beli barangan kategori ini.
  6. Segan nak turun sebab tak pernah datang surau?. Mungkin jugak. Kalau tunjuk muka nanti ada pulak mangkok yang pujuk suruh datang surau. Ye lah, hal-hal berkaitan dengan agama ni memang susah untuk mendapat sambutan.
  7. Tiada semangat kejiranan.  Ini trend masa kini, buka pintu masa nak keluar kerja atau balik kerja atau nak keluar ke kedai.  
  8. Malas. Mungkin la. Hari cuti, aku nak rehat, apa hal pulak nak susahkan diri, panas pulak tu.
  9. Tidak minat. Hal-hal surau ni, aku kurang lerrr....

Begitulah.  Macam-macam andaian boleh kita buat.  Jawapan sebenar hanya boleh diketahui jika orang yang tidak datang itu menjawab soalan ini.

Apa pun. Wahai SAUDARA-SAUDARA ku, janganlah sesekali kita kecewa atau putus harapan. Ini adalah satu perjuangan. Kita tidak perlu berperang melawan kafir laknat di zaman ini.  Masih jauh dari perjuangan islam di zaman dan selepas zaman Nabi.  Bukan mudah untuk berjaya.  Dalam perjuangan duniawi, kita boleh dapat ganjaran WANG atau PANGKAT atau SIJIL KEPUJIAN atau PINGAT atau PUJIAN.   Usaha dakwah, perjuangan akhirat dinilai sendiri oleh Allah swt.

Teruskan Perjuangan.

Kepada AJK lain juga satu penghargaan yang tidak ternilai sama sekali di atas usaha saudara saudari dan juga 'para isteri' yang turut menyumbangkan tenaga dan idea menjayakan aktiviti.  'Special gratitude' kepada Lt Kol Shalawati Yahya yang telah membuat persiapan 'SIARAYA' yang cekap, canggih dan lengkap sepanjang tempoh aktiviti dilaksanakan.

Khusus kepada Lt Kol Khairudin. GUA CAYA SAMA LU......TABIK SPRING.

Teruskan Usaha.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Global Terrorist Organizations  

Pertubuhan Pengganas. Bunyinya pun ganas. Tapi mereka sememangnya ganas. TETAPI kenapa mereka jadi ganas.  Kalau kita masih ingat mengenai cerita rakyat British bertajuk Robin Hood seorang penjenayah yang mencuri, merompak, melanun dan merampas harta orang-orang kaya dengan objektif untuk membantu orang miskin.  Robin Hood menjadi pujaan rakyat marhaen di atas jasa dan budi baiknya. Mereka tidak menganggap Robin Hood sebagai pengganas.

Zaman ini, zaman moden semua negara telah ada undang-undang bertulis, rakyat tidak boleh memilih hero mereka masing-masing mengikut cara tersendiri.  Sesiapa yang ingin jadi hero mestilah melalui jalan yang ditetapkan.  Dalam negara demokrasi, siapa yang mahu jadi hero perlu berani bertanding dalam pilihanraya.  Bila dah menang jadi wakil rakyat maka dia boleh jadi hero rakyat membantu dan membela rakyat.  Wakil Rakyat boleh mempengaruhi ahli-ahli KORPORAT untuk menderma dan membantu orang yang melarat.  HERO (wakil rakyat) tak perlu mencuri atau merompak orang kaya untuk membantu rakyat.

Tapi apa yang berlaku, ramai wakil rakyat yang dulunya bercita-cita menjadi HERO membela rakyat apabila berjaya mencapai cita-cita jadi wakil rakyat dia LUPA.  Mereka mencari ahli korporat juga, untuk dapatkan bantuan juga TETAPI bukan untuk membantu orang miskin yang melarat. Mereka yang menjadi KEPARAT.  Mereka jadi RAKUS. Mereka sapu utara, selatan, timur dan BARAT, kumpul harta untuk seluruh ZURIAT sampai hari KIAMAT.  Malah ada yang lebih teruk dengan MEROMPAK harta rakyat untuk kepentingan diri.

Itu HERO negara demokrasi.  Bagi negara autokrasi, mereka tidak berpeluang menjadi HERO melalui pilihanraya kerana mereka tidak diberi jalan dan tiada peluang untuk menunjukkan bakat membela rakyat.  Lalu mereka mencari pilihan lain membentuk persatuan, pertubuhan dan kumpulan di luar undang-undang.  Oleh kerana mereka mempunyai niat baik untuk membantu rakyat atau kaum mereka yang tertindas atau sememangnya di tindas. Mereka mendapat sokongan dan bantuan. Bila semakin ramai penyokong mereka semakin berani lalu memebntuk pertubuhan militan.  Menyeludup senjata untuk melawan pemerintah.

Bila semakin kuat dari segi kewangan dan persenjataan, mereka ini juga akan lupa diri kerana mereka sudah GILA KUASA dan menjadi RAKUS. Mereka mengganas, membunuh orang yang tidak berdosa, wanita dan kanak-kanak dengan hanya disebabkan mereka ini tidak memberi sokongan kepada perjuangan mereka. Inilah yang berlaku di kebanyakan negara sekarang.

Sememangnya terdapat kumpulan yang digelar pengganas ini sememangnya mempunyai perjuangan SUCI untuk mendapatkan kebebasan mengamalkan agama, kebudayaan dan keluar dari penindasan dan diskriminasi oleh pemerintah seperti yang berlaku di Palestin, Selatan Filipina, Selatan Thailand, Kashmir dan lain-lain.

Penulisan kali ini aku ingin menyenaraikan beberapa buah pertubuhan yang dikategorikan oleh TERRORIST oleh pihak tertentu (khususnya pihak barat lebih khusus lagi oleh Yahudi dan Nasrani).  Sebab itu kebanyakannya yang mereka klasifikasikan sebagai pertubuhan ganas ini wujudnya di negara-negara ISLAM. KEBENARAN yang sebenar-benarnya tertakluk kepada kepercayaan/ideologi, anutan, pandangan dan pendapat pembaca sendiri.  Selain dari itu kita serahkan kepada ALLAH swt untuk menentukan sama ada mereka ini adalah PENGGANAS atau pun PEJUANG BANGSA dan AGAMA.

Senarai pertubuhan pengganas:
  1. 15 May Organization
  2. Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
  3. Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
  4. Action Direct (AD)
  5. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades
  6. Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB)
  7. Ansar Al-Islam - Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
  8. Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA)
  9. Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR)
  10. Aum Shinrikyo (Aum)
  11. Babbar Khalsa International
  12. Chukaku-Ha
  13. Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
  14. Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  15. Hawatmeh Faction (DFLP)
  16. Egyptian Islamic Jihad
  17. Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP)
  18. Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
  19. Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN)
  20. First of October Antifascist Resistance Group (GRAPO)
  21. Force 17
  22. Front du Liberation du Quebec (FLQ)
  23. Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IG)
  24. Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)
  25. Harakat ul-Ansar (HUA)
  26. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
  27. Hezbollah (Party of God)
  28. Irgun
  29. Irish Republican Army (IRA)
  30. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
  31. Jaish Ansar al-Sunna
  32. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) (Army of Mohammed)
  33. Jamaat ul-Fuqra
  34. Japanese Red Army (JRA)
  35. Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)
  36. Kach and Kahane Chai
  37. Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF)
  38. Khmer Rouge
  39. Kosovo Liberation Army  (KLA)
  40. Kurdish Hezbollah
  41. Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
  42. Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT)
  43. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
  44. Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)
  45. Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF)
  46. Manuel Rodriguez
  47. Patriotic Front (FPMR)
  48. Morzanist Patriotic Front (FPM)
  49. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
  50. Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO)
  51. National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC)
  52. National Liberation Army (ELN)
  53. New People's Army (NPA)
  54. The Order
  55. Organisation de l'Armée Secrète (OAS)
  56. Palestinian Islamic Jihad-Shaqaqi Faction (PIJ)
  57. Palestine Liberation Front-Abu Abbas Faction (PLF)
  58. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)?
  59. Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah)
  60. Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF)
  61. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  62. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
  63. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Command (PFLP-SC)
  64. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Operations Group (PFLP-SG)
  65. al-Qaeda -Qibla and People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD)
  66. Real IRA (RIRA)
  67. Red Army Faction
  68. Red Brigades
  69. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
  70. Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17 November)
  71. Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C, Dev Sol)
  72. Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA)
  73. Revolutionary United Front (RUF)
  74. Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC)
  75. Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso)
  76. Stern Gang
  77. Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
  78. Terra Lliure
  79. Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
  80. Tupamaros (MLN)
  81. al-Ummah
  82. United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC)
  83. The Weathermen (UWO)
  84. Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN).
15 May Organization. 15 May Organization was established on 15 May 1979 from remnants of Wadi Haddad's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Operations Group.  This group which the strength around 50 to 60 people was operating in Iraq, Middle East dan Europe. Some of their militant actions were Bombs a Hotel in London (1980) and Bombs El Al offices in Rome and Istanbul (1981).  This group disbanded in 1984.  
The leader since its date of formation until disbanded was Muhammad al-Umari ("Abu Ibrahim")  or known as "the Bomb man".  
Abu Ibrahim

Fatah Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)  which consists of Fatah Revolutionary Council, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Black September, and  Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims) split from PLO and formed the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO) in 1974. Their targets included the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, moderate Palestinians, the PLO, and various Arab countries. They carried out terrorist attacks in 20 countries, killing or injuring almost 900 persons. 
  • On 11 Oct 1976, ANO attacks on Syrian embassies in Islamabad, Pakistan and Rome, Italy  On 3 Jun 1982 they attempted assassination of Shlomo Argov, Israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom. The attack will trigger the war Israel waged in Lebanon against the PLO presence.  On 27 Nov 1984, they launch an assassination of the British High Commissioner in Bombay, India followed by hijacking of an Egyptian plane to Malta, on 23 Nov 1985 where sixty-six people  were killed during a rescue attempt by the Egyptian forces.
  • On 27 Dec 1985 they launched another major attacks on Rome and Vienna airports, killing sixteen and  wounding scores and the following year in Sep 1986 they attempted hijacking  of Pan-Am flight 73 at Karachi  airport where 22 persons were killed.  
  • In Jan 1991, an ANO members were suspected of assassinating PLO deputy chief Abu Iyad and PLO security chief Abu Hul in Tunis.  In Dec 1998 ANO leader, Sabri Al-Banna, relocated to Iraq.  In 1999 the authorities shut down the ANO's operations in Libya and Egypt. On 14 Jan 2000 one of ANO female leader, Halima Nimer was arrested by Austrian police.  Finally on 16 Aug 2002, Abu Nidal dies or is assassinated in Baghdad.
  • The leader of ANO from 1974 to 16 Aug 2002 was Sabri al-Banna "Abu Nidal"         (1937 - 2002) also known as  "Amin al-Sirr",  "Sabri Khalil Abd Al Qadir".  The area of operation of ANO were in Iraq, Lebanon, and Libya. The strength are few hundred plus limited overseas support structure
Abu Nidal

Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG).
  • 1991- Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) or simply Abu Sayyaf, also known as Al Harakat Al Islamiyya, split from the Moro National Liberation Front, to promote an independent Islamic state in western Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago of the southern Philippines. 
  • Apr 1995- Raid on the town of Ipil. 27 Dec 1995 Militants kidnap 16 vacationers at Lake Sebu, Mindanao.  3 Jan 1999 -in Jolo, Philippines a grenade was lobbed into a crowd that had gathered to watch firefighters put out a blaze in a neighborhood  supermarket. 10 people were killed, and at least 74 injured.
  • 20 Mar 2000- 53 hostages -including 22 school children and 5 teachers, and a  priest were seized from two schools in Basilan, after Abu Sayyaf  failed in an attempt to take an army outpost. The rebels subsequently released 20 hostages in exchange for food. 22 Apr 2002 - Three bombs went off in public places in the southern Philippines city of General Santos killing 15 people and injuring more  than 70. 23 Apr 2000- 21 hostages were kidnapped from a Sipadan Island, Malaysia diving resort by Abu Sayyaf. The hostages include three Germans, two French, two South Africans, two Finns, one Lebanese and a  Filipino working at the Sipadan Island Resort and 9 Malaysians working on the island were also seized. 
  • 20 Aug 2002 - A group of Jehovah's witness Christian sect who worked as door-to-door salespeople were kidnapped by suspected Muslim rebels on the Philippine island of Jolo. The group of three  men and five women were working for a cosmetics company when they were abducted in the town of Patikul.
  • Leaders: 1991 - 18 Dec 1998 - Abdurajik Abubakar Janjalani; Dec 1998 - 2006 -      Khadafi Janjalani; Jan 2007 - Jun 2007 - Radullan Sahiron (Commander Putol)         (interim); Jun 2007 - Yasser Igasan. Location: Philippines. Strength:  200 core fighters and more than 2,000 supporters.
Janjalani and Commander Putol

Action Directe (AD).

Action Directe (AD) founded IN 1977 as anti-NATO organization, based in France. In 1 May 1979  AD made a first attack, AD machine guns the building of the CNPF (now Medef) French employers federation.  In 1984  AD banned by France government. In 17 Nov 1986  AD kills Georges Besse, Chairman of Renault car company. On 8 Aug 1985 AD and Red Army Faction (RAF) claim joint responsibility for bomb  blast at U.S. air base in Frankfurt, Germany that kills 2 persons. On 15 Jan 1986 Communiqué by AD and RAF states they will work together to attack NATO targets. On 21 Feb 1987 remaining members arrested in Vitry-aux-Loges, France near Orléans and the organization becomes defunct. The leaders of AD were Jean-Marc Rouillan (founder) (1977 – 21 Feb 1987), Nathalie Ménigon (f), Joëlle Aubron (f), Régis Schleicher (arrested 1984) and Georges Cipriani.  The area of AD operation were in France, West Germany and Belgium and the strength were about 5 main members.

Jean-Mrc Rouillan

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.

Also known as Brigades of Shahid Yasser Arafat awas established in 2002 and its first action was attacked on Beit Yisrael. Jerusalem on 2 march 2002  where 11 are killed.  On 5 Jan 2003 they attack on Southern Tel Aviv central bus station and  22 are killed. On 18 Dec 2003 Fatah decided to ask the leaders of the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigades to join the Fatah Council, recognizing it officially as part of the organization.  On Dec 2003 they assassinated the brother of Ghassan Shakaa, the mayor of Nablus.  On 29 Jan 2004 they attacked on Rehavia, Jerusalem, bus line 19 where 11 are killed.  On 14 Mar 2004  they launched Port of Ashdod attack (together with Hamas) and 10 are killed.   On Jul 2004 there were riots in the Gaza Strip, where Palestinian officers are kidnapped  and PA security headquarters buildings and policemen were attack by armed gunmen. 
  • On 11 Nov 2004  the Brigade announced that they will sign their attacks in the name "Brigades of Shahid Yasser Arafat."  On 6 Oct 2005  they claimed responsibility for a shooting attack at the Gush Etzion junction, killing three Israelis and wounding three others. 
  • On 30 Jan 2006 theEuropean Union's Gaza offices were raided by 15 masked gunmen.  They demanded apologies from Denmark & Norway regarding the  "Jyllands-Posten" Muhammad cartoons. 
The High Commander of the Brigade is Marwan Barghouti who commanded since 2002. He is imprisoned by Israel on 15 Apr 2002).  The location of the Brigade HQ is in Gaza Strip, West Bank, Israel and the strength is unknown.

Marwan Barghouti

Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB). Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB) formed in the Philippines in 1984, emerging as the breakaway urban 'hit squad' of the Communist Party of the Philippines New People's Army. 1989 believed to have been involved in the murder of U.S. Army Colonel James Rowe. In March 1997 ABB announced that it had formed an alliance with the Revolutionary Proletarian Army (RPA) of Arturo Tabara. On 2 Dec 1997 they claimed credit for rifle grenade attack against Shell Oil Co.  headquarters in Manila.

The first leader of ABB was Filemon "Ka Popoy" Lagman (1984-1997). He died in 2001.  He was succeeded Nilo de la Cruz in 1997.  The HQ of the movement is in Manila and members of the group is about 500.

Ka Popoy
Ansar Al-Islam. Ansar Al Islam was form on1 Sep 2001. It was founded as a merger of two radical Kurdish Muslim sects (Jund al-Islam and Islamic Movement splinter group).   In Sep 2001 the ambushed and kills 42 PUK fighters. In Feb 2002 they assassinated Franso Haririr, Christian Kurdish politician.  In Spring 2002  they attempted assassination of Barham Salih, PUK leader and in June 2002 they bombed a Kurdish restaurant.  In Jul 2002 they killed 9 PUK fighters and destroys Sufi shrines and followed by a murdered of U.S. Agency for International Development officer Laurence Foley in Amman, Jordan in Oct 2002.

In Dec 2002 they attacked PUK, killing 103 fighters and wounding 117.  On 1 Apr 2003, U.S. and Kurdish forces destroy bases and force Ansar to flee Iraq.

The leaders of Ansarul Islam are Abu Abdullah Shafae@ Warya Holery (Sep 2001 – 2002; Mullah Krekar (2002/2003), Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad (2003) - who are under arrest in Norway.  Abu Abdullah Shafae (Warya Holery) took over the leadership of the movement.  The movement are operating in northern Iraq pocket around Biyarah and Halabja.  The strength of Ansarul Islam is about 500-700.

Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad

Armed Islamic Group. 

Dec 1991- Algeria voids the election victory of the Islamic Salvation Front.
1992 - Armed Islamic Group (GIA, from French Groupe Islamique Armé, Arabic
al-Jama'ah al-Islamiyah al-Musallah) begins attacks to overthrow the secular Algerian government and replace it with an Islamic state.
Sep 1993 - Announces terrorist campaign against foreigners living in Algeria.
26 Aug 1994 - Declared a "Caliphate", or Islamic government for Algeria, with Gousmi as Commander of the Faithful, Mohammed Said as head of government.
Dec 1994 - Hijacked Air France flight to Algiers.
27 May 1996 - Bodies of seven monks from the monastery of Tibhirine (L'Abbaye Notre-Dame de l'Atlas) in Algeria, belonging to the Roman Catholic Trappist Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance are found. The monks were kidnapped on 26 Mar 1996. GIA claims responsibility.

01 Aug 1996 - GIA suspected in killing of French Archbishop of Oran.
1998 - The GSPC splinter faction appears to have eclipsed the GIA.
11 Jun 1999 - GIA announced a jihad on French territory in a threatening letter addressed to the media.

1992 - Sep 1992  - Allel Mohamed "Moh Leveilley"
1992 - Nov 1992 -  "Tayyeb El-Afghani"
Jan 1993 - 1993/94 - Abdelhak Layada "Abu Adlane"
1993/94 - 26 Feb 1994 - Mourad Si Ahmed "Djaffar al-Afghani"
1994 - Mar 1994- Abou Khalil Mahfoudh (acting)
Mar 1994 - 26 Aug 1994 - Cherif Gousmi "Abou-Abdellah" 

26 Aug 1994 - Sep 1994 - Cherif Gousmi "Abou-Abdellah"
Sep 1994 - 16 Jul 1996 - Djamel Zitouni "Abou Abderrahmane Amine"
1996 -  8 Feb 2002 - Antar Zouabri "Abou Rahana"
2002 - Jul 2004 - Rachid Abou Tourab
2004 - Boulenouar Oukil 

Location: Algeria; Strength: unknown

Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) (Orly Group, 3rd October Organization).

1975 - Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) (a.k.a) the Orly Group, 3rd October Organization) formed as a Marxist- Leninist grouped to compel the Turkish Government to acknowledge publicly its alleged responsibility for the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915, pay reparations, and cede territory for an Armenian homeland.
22 Oct 1975 - Turkish ambassador to Austria Danis Tunaligil is killed.
16 Feb 1976 - First acknowledged killing -Turkish diplomat, Oktay Cerit, in Beirut.
 7 Aug 1982 - Bombing of Ankara airport 9 killed.
15 Jul 1983 - Bombing at Orly Airport kills 8.
19 Dec 1991 - Last attack targeted the bullet-proof limousine carrying theTurkish Ambassador to Budapest, ambassador was not injured.

1975 - 25 Apr 1988 - Hagop Hagopian
1988 - 1992  - unknown
Location: Lebanon, Western Europe, Armenia, United States, Syria, Turkey.
Strength: A few hundred members and sympathizers.

Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR)

1994 - Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (Armée pour la Libération du Rwanda, ALiR)(a.k.a. Interahamwe, Former Armed Forces of Rwanda [ex-FAR]) began actions to topple Rwanda's Tutsi-dominated government, and to restore Hutu control, and, possibly complete the genocide begun early in 1994. FAR was the  army of the Rwandan Hutu regime that carried out the genocide of 500,000 or more Tutsis and regime opponents in 1994. Interahamwe was its civilian militia counterpart, both merged in forced Congo exile.
1999 - ALIR kidnapped and killed 8 foreign tourists in a game park on the Congo-Uganda border.
2001 - Consolidated forces with a Kinshasa-based Hutu group to form the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR).

Leaders: unknown  
Locations: Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Strength: Several thousand

Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth, Aum) 

1984 - Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth or Aum) apocalyptic religious cult founded to take over Japan and then the world. 
1987 - Received official status of a religion from the Japanese government.
20 Mar 1995 - Sarin nerve gas attacks on several Tokyo subway trains that killed 12 persons and injured up to 6,000.
May 1995 - Shoko Asahara arrested by Japanese police.
Jan 2000 - Renamed itself Aleph, claims to reject the violent and apocalyptic teachings of its founder. 

Supreme Leaders 
1984 - 29 Dec 1999 - Shoko Asahara (Chizuo Matsumoto)
29 Dec 1999 - Fumihiro Joyu
Location: Japan, previously had a presence in Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, the former Yugoslavia, and the U.S.
Strength: Current membership is estimated at 1,600 (2002 est.)(the group claimed to have 9,000 members in Japan and up to 40,000 worldwide).

Babbar Khalsa International 

Spring 1978 : Babbar Khalsa a militant Sikh separatist group formed.
23 Jun 1985 : Bombing of Air India flight, more than 300 are killed.
1986 : Joins in declaration of "Khalistan" independence from India.
22 May 2005 : Attack at movie theater in Delhi, 1 person killed 49 injured.
1978 - 1992 : Sukhdev Singh
1992 - 26 Mar 2006 : Paramji Singh Bheora
2006 -  today : Wadhawa Singh
Locations: India, Pakistan
Strength: unknown

Paramji Singh Bheora 

Chukaku-ha (Nucleas or Middle Core Faction) 

1957 : Founded to protest Japan's imperial system, Western imperialism, and later events such as the Gulf War and the expansion of Tokyo's Narita Airport. Largest domestic militant group; has small covert action wing called Kansai Revolutionary Army
1985/86 : Performed a number of sabotage attacks, including several attempts to derail trains, as well as the launching of crude incendiary rockets at United States Naval bases.
Leaders: unknown.
Location: Japan
Strength: 3,500; has not engaged in any terrorist activities for nearly two decades.

Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) 

Sep 1994 : Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)(a.k.a. Continuity Army Council) formed as a radical terrorist splinter group formed as the clandestine armed wing of the political organization Republican Sinn Fein (RSF). Goal: reunification of Ireland and  to force British troops from Northern Ireland.
13 Jul 1996 : Car bomb containing upto 1,200lb of home-made explosives exploded outside Kilyhelvin Hotel, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh.
29 Sep 1996 : Car bomb containing 250lb of home-made explosives was abandoned in Belfast.
31 Jul 1997 : A bomb, estimated at between 500 and 1,000lbs, was left at the grounds of Carrybridge Hotel, near Lisballaw, County Fermanagh.
31 Oct 1997 : Claimed responsibility for the attempted bombing of government offices Derry.
24 Jan 1998 : Car bomb exploded outside an entertainment club, the 'River Club' on Factory Road in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh.
20 Feb 1998 : Exploded a large car bomb, estimated at 500lbs, outside the Royal Ulster Constabulary  station in the centre of Moria, County Down.
 6 Feb 2000 : Bomb explosion at a hotel in Irvinestown; there were no injuries.
 1 Jun 2000 : Planted a bomb under Hammersmith Bridge, London.
19 Jul 2000 : Planted a bomb at Acton Underground Station, London.
 9 Mar 2009 : CIRA claimed responsibility for the fatal shooting of a PSNI  officer in Craigavon, County Armagh, the first police fatality in Northern Ireland since 1998. 
Sep 1994 : unknown.
Locations: Northern Ireland, Irish Republic.
Strength: Fewer than 50 hard-core activists.

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) Hawatmeh Faction 

1969  -Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PDFLP), a Marxist-Leninist organization, founded when it split from the PFLP. Opposed the Israel-PLO peace agreement. Goal is to achieve Palestinian national goals through revolution of the masses.
1974 - Renamed Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) since mid-1990's           Has made limited moves toward merging with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
 4 Mar 1996 - Assailants poured gasoline at the entrance to a restaurant in Sitrah, Bahrain and threw Molotov cocktails inside, killing 7 Bangladeshi employees and destroying the restaurant.
25 Aug 2001 -  At Marganit Outpost, Gaza Strip 2 Palestinian gunmen killed three soldiers and wounded seven Friday night as they stormed a Gaza Strip outpost in an attack unprecedented in the 11-month-long intifada. Soldiers at the Marganit outpost shot and killed the two gunmen. The radical DFLP claimed responsibility for the raid, in its first such claim in the intifada.

1969 -  Nayef Hawatmeh "Abu an-Nuf"

Locations: Syria, Lebanon, Gaza Strip, and West Bank
Strength: 500

Nayef Hawatmeh
Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) (al-Jihad, Islamic Jihad, Jihad Group)

Late 1970's- al-Jihad (a.k.a. Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Jihad Group, Islamic
Jihad) formed to overthrow Egyptian government and replacement with an Islamic state; attacks U.S. and Israeli interests in Egypt and abroad.
6 Oct 1981 - Responsible for assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
17 Mar 1992- Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina is bombed 29 killed, 250 injured by Islamic Jihad.
Jun 1992- Activists in Egypt murdered author Faraj Fodah.
18 Aug 1993 - Claims responsibility for attempted assassination of Egyptian  Interior Minister Hassan al-Alfi.
25 Nov 1993 - Claims responsibility for attempted assassination of Egyptian Prime Minister Atef Sedky.
1995 - Responsible for the Egyptian Embassy bombing in Islamabad, Pakistan
1998 - Zawahri formally merged Egyptian Islamic Jihad into al-Qaed. 
Spiritual Leader
1970's -Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman
Leaders "Emirs"
1970's - Abboud al-Zumar al-Sharif
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ahmed Husayn Agiza
Locations: Egypt, network outside Egypt, in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan,Sudan,Lebanon,and United Kingdom.
Strength: Unknown, suspected to be several hundred.

Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP) (People's Revolutionary Army)

1974 -Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP)(People's Revolutionary
Army) founded as the military branch of the Partido
Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (Workers' Revolutionary Party) in Argentina.
1974- Kidnapping of Esso executive Víctor Samuelsson and obtaining
a ransom of $12 million.
Mar 1976- Argentine armed forces moved ahead with the Dirty War, dispensing with the civilian government.
late 1977 - Eradicated as a military force by Argentine armed forces.
1974 - 19 Jul 1976 - Mario Roberto Santucho
1976 - 1977 - Enrique Gorriarán Merl
Location: Argentina
Strength: 100 fighters, with a 400 person support network, some 2,500 sympathizers.

Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)

Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN)

First October Antifacist Resistance Group (GRAPO)

Force 17


  1. Front du Liberation du Quebec (FLQ)
  2. Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IG)
  3. Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement)
  4. Harakat ul-Ansar (HUA)
  5. Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
  6. Hezbollah (Party of God)
  7. Irgun
  8. Irish Republican Army (IRA)
  9. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
  10. Jaish Ansar al-Sunna
  11. Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM) (Army of Mohammed)
  12. Jamaat ul-Fuqra
  13. Japanese Red Army (JRA)
  14. Jemaah Islamiyah (JI)
  15. Kach and Kahane Chai
  16. Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF)
  17. Khmer Rouge
  18. Kosovo Liberation Army  (KLA)
  19. Kurdish Hezbollah
  20. Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)
  21. Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT)
  22. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
  23. Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)
  24. Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF)
  25. Manuel Rodriguez
  26. Patriotic Front (FPMR)
  27. Morzanist Patriotic Front (FPM)
  28. Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)
  29. Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK, MKO)
  30. National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC)
  31. National Liberation Army (ELN)
  32. New People's Army (NPA)
  33. The Order
  34. Organisation de l'Armée Secrète (OAS)
  35. Palestinian Islamic Jihad-Shaqaqi Faction (PIJ)
  36. Palestine Liberation Front-Abu Abbas Faction (PLF)
  37. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)?
  38. Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah)
  39. Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF)
  40. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
  41. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
  42. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Command (PFLP-SC)
  43. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-Special Operations Group (PFLP-SG)
  44. al-Qaeda -Qibla and People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD)
  45. Real IRA (RIRA)
  46. Red Army Faction
  47. Red Brigades
  48. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
  49. Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17 November)
  50. Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C, Dev Sol)
  51. Revolutionary People's Struggle (ELA)
  52. Revolutionary United Front (RUF)
  53. Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC)
  54. Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso)
  55. Stern Gang
  56. Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
  57. Terra Lliure
  58. Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
  59. Tupamaros (MLN)
  60. al-Ummah
  61. United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC)
  62. The Weathermen (UWO)
  63. Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN).


Top 10 Most Dangerous Terrorist Organizations in the World
Monsters with an insatiable blood-thirst or rebels with a cause? Mindless robots on a killing spree or humans fighting for greater good? Most importantly, patriots or terrorists?
The above questions have, perhaps, posed a dilemma to numerous debaters and popped up as a topic to think about deeply in discussions of importance. Yet, one cannot deny that terrorists, ‘noble’ or otherwise, have caused an unthinkable amount of suffering wherever they have set their devious schemes afoot. Ranging from genocides to making governments crumble to air raids and a lot more, terrorists around the world have massacred millions in the name of religion and so called ‘glory’. While the sheer weight they carry is enough to strike terror in people’s hearts, their actions have achieved far more than just that! Out of all the numerous terrorist groups operating in various ill-fated corners of the world, following are the most lethal ones present.


A revolutionary organization in Ireland, it was formed out of the Irish Volunteers (founded in 1913). The IRA was responsible for waging a war of independence against the British in the period 1919-21. The entire war of independence was an extremely brutal affair and there were heavy casualties on either side. Having been trained as a guerilla unit, the IRA was skilled in quick attacks and ambushes. With an end to the war, the Anglo-Irish treaty was signed that resulted in a split within the IRA- those that supported the treaty came to be known as the Irish National Army and the rest remained affiliated to the IRA. A civil war followed as an inevitable result of the rift and the IRA lost it. Ever since, the group has remained in existence with the sole intention of overthrowing the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland in order to achieve the dream of Irish Republic. The IRA have been responsible for numerous car bombings and assassinations (including the assassination of Lord Mountbatten in 1979).


Deriving its name from the village of its origin, Naxalbari, in West Bengal, the Naxalites are mostly associated with the Communist Party of India (Maoist) or the CPI-M. At present, states like Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkand, Andhra Pradesh have also fallen victim to the growth of this group. Their origin lies in a violent uprising that was led by Kanu Sanyal in 1967 to redistribute land to the landless. Their efforts were spurred on by Mao Zedong, the then chairman of the Communist Party of China, who said that the Naxalites should overthrow the government and upper class people by force. In the post-1970 era, the Naxal movement had gained a significant impetus, so much so that students from reputed colleges in Calcutta were dropping out of college in order to join the movement. Their aim was to assassinate individuals of great power and incite a civil war. In the year of 1971, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had launched Operation Steeplechase (of which the Indian Army was a part) which resulted in the killing of numerous Naxalites and imprisonment of even more. At present, though reduced in number, the Naxalites still continue to operate, killing policemen, civilians and security personnel. They had been branded by Dr. Manmohan Singh as the “biggest threat to national security”.


A militant Islamist group in Nigeria, this group is known to receive funding from Al-Qaeda. Extremely vocal about their intolerance towards western education, Boko Haram had recently been in the news for the abduction of around 200 Nigerian girls. Boko Haram literally means “western education is sin”. Boko Haram has been alleged to have on their hands a 5000-civilians kill number between 2009 and 2014. Boko Haram, originally founded as a Sunni Islamic group, have been advocating the extremely intolerant Sharia law in places of their stronghold. Threatening to overthrow the government, which they as becoming extremely open to the western culture, Boko Haram is known to spread terror by killing people who indulge in non-islamic practices, eg drink alcohol. The founder of the sect, Mohammed Yusuf, had said in an interview that the theory about the Earth being round should be rejected as it had been propagated by the west. An incapability on the Nigerian government’s part to deal with their growing militancy, Boko Haram has also been responsible for bombing the UN headquarters in Abuja in June, 2011.


Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia or FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) was formed in the 1960s. They claim to be an army of peasant Marxist-Leninists with an ulterior motive of anti-imperialism. Kidnapping, extortion, illegal mining are regular activities of FARC. The government of Colombia recognizes FARC as a terrorist organization along with many other North American, Latin American and European governments. In 1962, the Colombian government, acting on US findings, had mobilized groups of civilians to work in cooperation with the army in countering the threat posed by FARC. This was Plan Lazo that had been set into motion by then Special Warfare commander, William P. Yarborough. In 2002 it was found out that the IRA and FARC had an understanding in between them- the IRA had received almost $2 million, resulting from drug trafficking, from FARC. FARC has been attributed with numerous killings, bombings and assassinations in Colombia and have been tagged as one of the world’s largest drug trafficking organizations in the world. Although at present they are not as violently active as they once were, FARC still remains a threat to Colombian security (as had been


A Shia’ist militant group based in Lebanon, they are considered to be more powerful than the Lebanese army. Founded by Muslim clerics (speared by Ayatollah Khomeini) the Hezbollah was founded mainly to counter Israeli occupation of Lebanon (1982). Their objective was well defined in that they wanted to expel any sort of western presence (especially American) from Lebanon, along with western allies. Hezbollah is known to receive training and funding from Iran and is also backed by Syria. The 1983 bombings on the US Embassy in Lebanon, the Lebanon hostage crisis from 1982 to 1992, the London Israeli Embassy attack in 1994, the AC flight 901 attack in 1994 in Panama, and many many more terrorist activities have been credited to this terrorist group.


The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is a Sunni jihadist group based in the Middle-East. With an aspiration to mobilize the majority of the Muslim population under its control, the ISIS has their stronghold in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, etc. Alleged to have committed acts of great atrocity and blatant human rights violation, the ISIS has grown significantly in the last few years and is currently known to have almost 80,000 fighters in its ranks in Iraq and Syria together. In numerous raids by the ISIS civilians, including kids, have been killed. They are known for their near-inhuman treatment of civilians which includes open-firing on civilians. The ISIS has not been foreign to allegations of sexual violence either. Their recent actions have prompted USA, UK, Germany and many other countries to launch various operations aimed at infiltrating their ranks and combating their growing insurgence.


Also known as the Tehrik I Taliban Pakistan, it forms a part of the various Islamist groups that are active in the Afghan border in Pakistan. Their objectives include overthrowing the Pakistani government, battling the NATO forces in Afghanistan and enforcing the Sharia law. Led by Maulana Fazlullah, the TTP is not directly affiliated with the Taliban (in Afghanistan). The 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt was an alleged undertaking of the TTP. The TTP has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks that include suicide bombings, bombing of UN offices in Pakistan, attacks in naval and army stations of Pakistan, etc.


One of the most notorious groups operating presently, the Lashkar-e-Toiba is most infamous for the Mumbai attacks on the 26th of November, 2008. It was responsible for the deaths of numerous civilians and it left the nation scarred. Alleged links to the secret service of Pakistan, the ISI, had resulted in a blatant breach of sovereignty (although the Pakistani government disowned any involvement). The 2001 attack on the Parliament of India was also carried out by the same group. With an objective to introduce  an Islamist state in South Asia, the Lashkar-e-Toiba has also vowed to liberate Muslims residing in Indian Kashmir. They have also been known to use children, aged 13-14, from impoverished sections of the society to spread their terror activities. Bombings in Delhi (2005), bombings in Varanasi (2006), the Mumbai train bombings (2006) and numerous other activities have been carried out by LeT. What is even more shocking is that Saudi Arabia is an alleged sponsor of this group.


The Afghan chapter of the Taliban, known simply as the Taliban, are omnipresent in illicit activities. Ranging from drug trafficking to human trafficking, extortion,etc. they have an annual revenue of almost $400 million annually. An Islamist fundamental group in Afghanistan, Mohammed Omar is the founding member and has been the spiritual leader ever since its inception in 1994. The September 11, 2001 attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York was carried out by the Taliban. The Taliban has its origins in the struggle against the Soviet that the US carried out on Afghan soil. The Taliban was mobilized by the USA (and trained by ISI) in order to liberate Afghanistan from the clutches of the Soviet Union. Alleged to have been the perpetrator to some of the most heinous human rights violations (ranging from ethnic cleansing, raping women, etc) in Afghanistan (while in power) the Taliban are certainly one of the most deadly terror groups in the world at present.


Founded by Osama Bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam and other militants, the al-Qaeda’s objective is to unite the Muslims across the world in global jihad and a strict interpretation of the Sharia law. The al-Qaeda is a Wahhabi organization. The al-Qaeda had a role to play in the Spetember 11 attacks, the 1998 US embassy bombings and the 2002 Bali bombings. Although the death of Osama Bin Laden has proven to be a setback to their operations, they are still the deadliest among all such groups in the world. Their characteristic way of carrying out missions is to employ suicide bombers or execute suicide missions. Their attacks are also known to be sectarian in nature. The Ashoura massacre and the April 2007 Baghdad bombings are testimony to that fact. The 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was also carried out by al-Qaeda. They are known to be extremely influential and have been alleged to own several aircrafts including Boeing 727s and executive jets.


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